The east african community pdf

East african community african organization britannica. Written by leading experts, including the president of the eacj, national judges, academics and practitioners, it provides the most complete overview to date of this increasingly important field. The formation of the east african community eac in 1999 by the united republic of tanzania, the republic of kenya and the republic of uganda was the achievement of the trios cooperation since the collapse of the original eac in 1977. Answers 1 what are the achievements of the east africa communityeac2001. A strong commitment towards integration is evinced. Eac east african community united nations economic. The east african community of 196777 aimed at a common market, a common customs tariff and a range of public services so as to achieve balanced economic growth within the region. Here are the objectives of the eac, directly from their website. Solved explain the achievements of the east africa communityeac2001. The east african legislative assembly assembly is an organ of the east african community. And whereas upon the dissolution of the east african community the said countries signed on the 14th day of may, 1984, at arusha, in tanzania the east african community mediation agreement 1984, hereinafter referred to as the mediation agreement for the division of the assets and liabilities of the former east african community. Solved give the objectives of the economic community of west african statesecowas.

The east african community eac is a regional intergovernmental organisation of six 6 partner states, comprising burundi, kenya, rwanda, south sudan, tanzania and uganda, with its headquarters in arusha, tanzania. On 30th november 1999, the treaty of the establishment of eac was signed and on 7th july 2000, it became operational. Challenges and prospects of east african community. The population of the study was the employees of the ministry of tourism and east africa community and the ministry of foreign affairs and international trade. The east african community eac is the regional intergovernmental organization of the republics of burundi, kenya, rwanda, uganda and the united republic of tanzania with its headquarters in arusha, tanzania. The treaty establishing the east african community was signed on 30th november 1999 and entered into force on 7th july 2000 by the partner states of the. East african community law provides a comprehensive and openaccess text book on eac law. Background to the east african community eac the east african community eac is the regional intergovernmental organization of the republic of burundi, kenya, rwanda, tanzania and uganda with headquarters in arusha, tanzania. Following the dissolution of the former east african community in 1977, the member states negotiated a mediation agreement for the pision of assets and liabilities, which they signed in 1984. African development bank african growth and opportunity act association of southeast asian nations convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women common market for eastern and southern africa east african community east african legislative assembly eastern african subregional support initiative for the advancement. East africa and comparators 24 11 container utilization, mombasa and dar es salaam 25 12 internet and cell phone users and penetration rates, east africa, 2012 25 legal and regulatory environment in east africa, 2016 26. The east african common market protocol eac cmp provides under articles 7, 9 and 10 for movement of persons, travel documents and the free movement of workers respectively.

Protocol on the establishment of the east african customs. Together, the five east african countries cover an area of 1. Its headquarters are in arusha, tanzania the first eac, which succeeded the east african common services organization on december 1, 1967, was. The eac youth policy comes in appropriate time where youth in all partner the states are facing many challenges. The nile valley is another area that east africa encompasses, and the nile valley, you can find the east african countries of both sudan and south sudan. Background to the east african community eac and key. The east african community is organized on the basis of the principle of shared responsibilities through various organs and specialized institutions. What are the challenges facing the east african community. East african community eac, organization that provides for cooperation, including the maintenance of a common market and the operation of common services, between the republics of burundi, kenya, rwanda, south sudan, tanzania, and uganda. East african kiswahili commission the east african kiswahili commission eakc is an institution of the east african community eac mandated to coordinate and promote the development and use of kiswahili for regional integration and sustainable development.

The treaty for establishment of the east african community was signed on 30th november 1999 and entered into force on 7th july 2000. East africa economic outlook 2019 african development bank. The east african community common market protocol for movement of labour achievements and challenges of implementation of the protocol organized and hosted by the friedrich ebert foundation kenya june 720, 2009 merridian court hotel, nairobi conference report 1st2nd november 2012 nairobi safari club, kenya. In order to promote the objectives of the community provided for under article 5 of the treaty and in accordance with the provisions of this protocol, the partner states hereby establish a common market as an integral part of the community. East african community the east african community eac is the regional intergovernmental organisation of the republics of kenya, uganda, the united republic of tanzania, republic of rwanda and republic of burundi with its headquarters in arusha, tanzania. The east african community customs management act, 2004. The east african community the east african community customs management act, 2004 this edition of the east african community customs management act, 2004 incorporates all amendments up to 8th december, 2008 and is printed under the authority of section 12 of the acts of the east african community act, 2004 revised edition 2009 2004. The first five are also included in the african great lakes region. Although resentments and tensions between states led to its collapse in 1977, the project was revived in 2001. The economic road map and visions of the east african community member states kenya, tanzania, uganda, rwanda, and burundi view tourism development not only as a key pillar for national development, but most importantly as a mechanism to alleviate poverty, generate foreign revenue for the government, and contribute to wildlife conservation. The court was inaugurated in november 2001 and heard its first case in 2005.

Africa community common market and also to determine institutional challenges facing the east africa community common market in kenya. Background to the east african community eac and key eac. Understanding the east african community and its transport. Partnership agreement means the agreement signed between the east african community and the development partners interested in promoting sustainable development of lake victoria basin signed on. Introduction to the study east african community the east african community eac is the regional intergovernmental organization of the republic of burundi, rwanda, kenya, uganda and tanzania. The east african community eac validated and adopted the regions first antipoaching and wildlife trafficking strategy 20172022 the wildlife information and landscape database wild, a simple smart phone app for real time data collection, monitoring, analysis and reporting that was developed with usaid support was rolled out in 12. The east african overseas territories of mayotte and reunion are under french rule, but geographically speaking, these two places are east african countries located directly in the indian ocean. Southern african development community was an important impetus for the cfta, especially in east and southern africa. East african community the east african community eac is a regional intergovernmental organization of 6 partner states. The treaty for the establishment of the east africa. The challenges of regional integration in the east africa.

Imports from africa and the middle east mainly egypt account for 35. The treaty for establishment of the east african community was signed on 30. The east african community eac is a regional inter governmental organization established under article 2 of the treaty for the establishment of the east african community that entered into force in july 2000. However the success of the east african community will be achieved through political will, adherence to good governance, institutional development and market driven. Burundi, kenya, rwanda, uganda and tanzania establishment the east african community eac treaty established the east african court of justice in 1999. It was already a monetary union with a currency board and a parity currency 1 uganda sh 1 kenya sh 1 tanzania sh. East africa economic outlook 2018 african development bank. What are the objectives of the economic community of west african statesecowas.

The east african community eac was originally founded in 1967 by kenya, tanzania and uganda, a postindependence evolution of the colonial era east african common services organisation. The east african community eac was originally founded in 1967, dissolved in 1977, and revived with the treaty for the establishment of the east african community the treaty establishing eac signed in 1999 by kenya, uganda and united republic of tanzania. The objectives of the community shall be to develop policies and programmes aimed at widening and deepening cooperation among the partner states in political, economic, social an. The courts major responsibility is to ensure the adherence to law in the interpretation and application of and compliance with the eac treaty.

Notwithstanding the progress in regional integration, intraregional trade in east africa trade is low, accounting for 8. East africa or eastern africa is the eastern region of the african continent, variably defined by geography. It is a fact that all partner states face common issues such as school dropouts and those out of school, rural youth, urban youth. How solid is economic growth in the east african community. The east african community common market protocol for. East african community ministry of external affairs.

Eac history support to the east african integration process. Federalism and east african community integration process. The east african community eac countries economic growth performance during the past decade has been impressive. The eastern africa population live counter shows a continuously updated estimate of the current population of eastern africa delivered by worldometer s rts algorithm, which processes data collected from the united nations population division the population of eastern africa 1950 2019 chart plots the total population count as of july 1 of each year, from 1950 to 2019. Pdf east african community raphael sikira academia. The membership of the community comprises the republics of burundi, kenya, rwanda, uganda and. Eac youth policy 20 ministry of east africa community. Establishment of the east african community common market 1. In the united nations statistics division scheme of geographic regions, 20 territories make up eastern africa tanzania, kenya, uganda, rwanda, burundi and south sudan are members of the east african community eac. The east african court of justice the court, is one of the organs of the east african community established under article 9 of the treaty for the establishment of the east african community. East african community 23 1 10 7 2 49 16 11 south africa 1 7 1 1 7 1 9 asia 12 18 23 25 9 11 14 19 europe 11 21 7 1 2 1 middle east 7 26 3 12 2 3 5 19 western hemisphere 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 source. These initiatives are believed to be advancing regional integration in east africa. Burundi and rwanda became members in 2007 while south sudan gained accession in april 2016.